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Lady/Marquess Emmeline Petty-Fitzmaurice (Robin)
Mar 02, 2021
In General Discussion
I'm just a player, not affiliated with the GMs. This is just a gathering I made of existing links. I don't purport to be an expert on anything. There was just a lot going on in this forum and I figured since it’s confusing to those of us who have been actively participating, it’s gotta be overwhelming and off-putting to someone just starting now. So here’s a cheat sheet for some ways to establish your character and establish connections. Required: Welcome to the Romancing Jan Forum NOTHING ELSE IS REQUIRED so do what feels good! Let folks get to know you: Post the basic info about your character in the Wanted Connections thread after browsing to see some of what’s been mentioned so you can try to find ties/align with others... And/or post a new thread with your extended bio and existing relationships. (This one makes it easier to update as ties change, you still flesh out your character.) Here are a few examples: Add your character's birthdate to the Birthday thread. Add your character’s preferred ways of being addressed on envelope, in letter and in being mentioned (and your character’s favorite colors) Take a gander at the Homes thread to see what properties others have claimed. We were trying to avoid too much overlap, but there are a lot of non-forum PCs so it’s impossible to expect that we won’t have some overlap. (I added a comment in that thread for some cool estates that nobody had claimed yet.) Likewise, take a look at the Claimed lists. This is for estates and for titles. (Again, we might end up with 2 Dukes of Whatever and will roll with it, but we can try to minimize it.) Consider adding your lineage to the Family Tree Tout your areas of expertise. If you’re not sure where to start with making PC ties, consider one or more of these concepts: Charity and Philanthropy Merchants, Nouveau Riche, and Common Folk Stitch & Bitch - Embroidery circle. Pre-game Party at Emmeline’s - OOC this is open to anyone and we will find a way to make it make sense narratively. IC it’s a closed invite intimate affair. Join the discussion about IRL era-related stuff that could influence your character or start your own niche!: 1810/11 Fashion! Tokens to Mail Language of Flowers Getting in Character Writing Soundtracks Rainbow Connections How to Address Someone Reading the Regency - Resource Courting and Marriage in the Regency Military Service: Commission, Fees, Pay & Pension And don't be shy about the chat option. Reach out to folks directly if you've read stuff about them you think you can build backstory off of!
Lady/Marquess Emmeline Petty-Fitzmaurice (Robin)
Feb 27, 2021
In General Discussion
Character Name: Lady Emmeline Petty-Fitzmaurice Titles: 2nd Marquess of Lansdowne, 3rd Earl of Shelburne, 3rd Earl of Kerry -- all shared with brother, Edmund Profile Age: 24 Height: 5’1/2” Weight: 115lbs Hair: Dark Brown Eyes: Hazel Orientation: Bisexual, Demisexual Bio (publically available knowledge) Emmeline Petty-Fitzmaurice is the second child of William Petty-Fitzmaurice (1st Marquess of Lansdowne/2nd Earl of Shelburne/2nd Earl of Kerry, former Prime Minister) and his wife Sophia (daughter of 2nd Earl Granville, prominently shrewd businesswoman), both deceased. Emmeline shares the title of Marquess, subsidiary titles and the estate itself with her older brother, Edmund (NPC), with whom she’s very close. He runs the day-to-day of the estate (as their father did) while she focuses on investments (as their mother did). She divides her time between Bowood House (Bradford-on-Avon near Bath) and Lansdowne House (Berkeley Square in London) and has spoken about purchasing another spot for holidays, but hasn’t gotten around to it. Edmund rarely goes to London, but uses the house there on the occasions he does. They also own Redgrave Hall & Redgrave Park in Suffolk and several other properties and land tracts, particularly in Ireland, occupied by extended family there, including Derreen House in County Cork, Ireland Often seen wearing trousers, vests, hats and riding boots, she is just as comfortable expressing her femininity with a gorgeous gown if the occasion warrants it. She’s partial to shades of purple and silver and bold, non-flowery patterns like paisley, damask and geometrics. Likewise, she does not limit herself when it comes to choosing for whom she develops romantic feelings, though that is quite far from her mind at the moment. She’s at once fun-loving and responsible. She will not instigate nor will she shirk from a fight (figuratively and on rare occasions literally). She’s friendly as a default until given reason not to be and is fiercely loyal to those few she considers close friends. She adores being in the know about society (much like watching a never-ending play unfold), but has no interest in information being used maliciously. At 24 years old, Emmeline’s had her fair share of loss and grief. Ten years ago this January (1801), she lost her mother (43) to pneumonia. In May 1805, her father died at age 68 of unknown causes. In October, just a few months later, her fiancé Nigel Richmond (James Richmond’s older brother and her older brother Edmund’s best friend) was killed in action at the Battle of Trafalgar. Emmeline attended Trinity College at Cambridge and focused on Mathematics and the Classics and dabbled in science and astronomy. After learning about Nigel upon Edmund’s return, Emmeline left college abruptly mid-term and sequestered herself in her rooms at Bowood for a month, then emerged only to declare that she would be foregoing the entire London season. Instead, she embarked on a tour of Ireland, exploring the people and culture where her father and maternal grandmother were born, staying with cousins and at inns. She was accompanied by dear friends Kitty McAllister, James Richmond, and Amelia Rutherford. Returning to Cambridge she finished her degree in 1807, and has since focused on expanding the investment portfolio her mother had started, traveling as world circumstances allow to establish or fortify partnerships and to add to the family’s famously magnificent collections of art, antiquities and books. In fact, the Lansdowne library is beyond magnificent in both residences and Emmeline recently opened the London collection up as a private lending library. Loose facts: She might have told you the story (if asked) about how during a trip to Paris (because America is not) she named the “cupcake” and subsequently popularized it in England. Related… one of her less-lucrative but favorite investments is in the ownership of a local bakery. She returned from India with (among a ton of books, tapestries, spices, fabrics, furniture, etc.) a parrot and several peafowl, including a few magnificent peacocks. (2 of these went to Nicholas). It was after this that she adopted the peacock as her personal letter seal symbol. She keeps a Roan Arabian Filly named Domino at James' stables. It was his gift to her despite the fact that she doesn't ride for sport unless coerced. When she does join, she'll ride with the group for a while then pick a nice spot with a shady tree and set up a picnic and read while the others continue to ride. Her beverages are international experiments. She tends to receive a lot of new/unknown vintages from potential business partners and gifts from existing partners, so she doesn’t need to do much curating of her own. Emmeline has avoided politics as much as possible because of her father's history with it. It is conceivable that given his history, either Em or her (NPC) brother Edmund would be approached to fill a seat in the House of Lords or a secretary position, but they would not seek them out. Timeline (short) DM me if an extended timeline would help Family (partial) Father: My Father William Petty-Fitzmaurice was the 1st Marquess of Lansdowne. Born 2 May 1737 in Dublin, Ireland, he died of unknown causes 7 May 1805 in Bath. He was the 2nd Earl of Shelburne 1761-1784, having inherited the title from his father, and he advanced to the House of Lords upon his father’s death in 1761. He was a British Whig statesman and he became the first Home Secretary in 1782, then Prime Minister in 1782–83. Mother: My mother Sophia Carteret was the daughter of John Carteret, the 2nd Earl Granville, and his second wife Sophia Fermor, the daughter of Thomas Fermor, 1st Earl of Pomfret. It was through my mother’s family that we obtained the Lansdowne estates. She was born in 1758 and died of pneumonia in her sleep on 5 January 1801 in Bath. Brother: Edmund (NPC) Edmund is 27 years old and as a child he was known to be playful, mischievous (but never with ill intent), clever and kind. He joined the British Royal Navy out of a sense of duty and honor after completing his degree. He was honourably discharged with an injury (TBD) at Trafalgar. He now runs the Bowood estate day-to-day and has been known to be quietly seeing a special young lady. Cousins (PC) @Maj Gerard St. George: Irish cousin (my father’s sister’s boy), I visited while touring Ireland previously, recently came to stay with me in London, guest of honor at my drawing room party in January. @Earl Nicholas Howard: Cousin (My mother’s sister’s boy), playfully contentious relationship. A lot of eye-rolling and apologizing on his behalf. Cousins (NPC): TBD Established Ties (If we set something up and you’re not listed or info is missing, please know I just got overwhelmed on the other threads and it’s absolutely nothing personal. Please please add to or correct me in the comments or by DM! Also, I have a lot of loose acquaintances but am open to deepening/strengthening a few relationships. Lemme know!) @Abraham Griffen (Steve he/him): Knew Edmund & James in the Navy. @Lord Ambrose Etienne Galois (Ezekiel): I frequent La Couronne for my party clothes. Possible investor. @Amelia Rutherford: Close friend group w/ James Richmond; traveled to Ireland together; support textile business (as patron at least if not investing) @Lady Charlotte Grant: Her mother made me the most amazing shawl with my signature peacocks depicted! I don’t know her well but want to rectify that. @Viscountess Charlotte Hughes: Met for the first time at my party! @Thea FitzHugh (Dani): Overlap at Cambridge (confirmation pending) @Mr. Edmund Ayles (Jesse): A pleasant fellow I’ve known about 8 years through my friendship with James. I go out of my way to be kind to him and I encourage him to read more. @Eleanor Savery (Hilary): Met before through James, though a while ago. Became reacquainted at my party. @Duchess Eudora St. Clair : Childhood friend (James' mother, their mother and my mother were friends). She made me an incredible necklace from stones of the color of the garden they used to play in when they were children! @(Rachel) Hazel Wynnewood: I’m an avid supporter of her theatre, securing a box seat where I will host small theatre-outings during the Season especially. Getting to know her on a friend-basis, as well. @Duke James Richmond (Greg): Probably my dearest friend in the world. I was engaged to his older brother and shared precious memories of cooking and baking with his sister Anne. Our mother’s were very good friends. @Lady Jessamine St. Clair (Meredith): Childhood friend (James' mother, their mother and my mother were friends) @Sophrona Ramsbury: Friend. Collaborating to invest in her spice trade company. Previous pen pals regarding my travels. @Lady Violet Heloise Blankeney-Coventry (Elizabeth): We’ve run in the same circles and share a love for the art and science of baking. Possible that we exchange recipes? @Tara M. Clapper (Lady Catherine Stuart) Was semi-secretly dating Edmund shortly before he left to fight in the Navy. He returned changed and broke up with her. As a result she and Emmeline grew closer and Emmeline is quite protective of her. Bath-Adjacent Neighbors Ambrose Etienne Galois, Amelia Rutherford, Abigail Pembroke, Charlotte Hughes, Edmund Ayles, Eleanor Savery, Eudora St. Clair, James Hughes MP, James Richmond, Jessamine St. Clair, Marion Pembroke Nicholas Howard, Primrose Hazelton, Sophrona Ramsbury, Violet Heloise Blankeney-Coventry Attendees at London Party Abraham Griffen, Ambrose Etienne Galois, Bartholomew the Monkey, Charlotte Grant, Charlotte Hughes, Edmund Ayles, Eleanor Savery, Eloise Snowden, Eudora St. Clair, Flora Owen, Gerard St. George, Hazel Ottillie Wynnewood, James Hughes, James Richmond, Morven Blackwood, Nicholas Howard, Octavia Thistledown (Tavvi), Theodosia Graves, Violet Heloise Blankeney-Coventry Wanted Connections: Going into game Neighbors in Bath - If you live nearby and aren’t listed above, please alert me. British Royal Navy - specifically 1803-1805, served with Edmund & Nigel Friends from Cambridge - I attended January 13, 1802-December 1805 and returned and finished January 13-December 16, 1807. Childhood friends - particularly but not exclusively kids of high ranking politicians up to 1783 when my dad retired Cousins, Aunts, Uncles - I’m of English and Irish descent Successful trade folx/business owners - I may have invested! Once in-game Investment Opportunities - She's extremely selective but audacious. Potential romantic interests Anyone passionate about discussing politics, culture, & society news Pitch me!
Lady/Marquess Emmeline Petty-Fitzmaurice (Robin)
Feb 26, 2021
In General Discussion
Hi everyone! I've been trying to keep up in the many threads to create a cheat sheet for myself when I start writing, but I have to admit I'm a little overwhelmed, especially about how to refer to folx. Hoping y'all will post here and let me know a few things so I can try to avoid reaching out one at a time. And just a reminder to please respond to Greg (James Richmond)'s birthday thread so that we spreadsheet geeks can have accurate ages for everyone and wish you a happy birthday at the right time. Character Name: Character Pronouns: How to address you on envelope: How to address you in letter: How to refer to you in writing: Characters favorite/preferred color(s) (for trinkets): And if there's anything else you specifically want me to know, post here if it's common knowledge or DM me if it's something secret or special between us.
Lady/Marquess Emmeline Petty-Fitzmaurice (Robin)
Feb 15, 2021
In General Discussion
OOC: I’m aware that some people will join the game who haven’t made themselves known online, and we’ll be “meeting” them entirely through their letters. For those of us who established some connections and enjoy shared interests and geographical proximity, I want to offer an opportunity for our characters to have all had a mutual experience before the timeframe the first newsletter will cover. This way, those of us who are only communicating here in the forums can reference a consistent "when last we met." So, to anyone for whom it narratively makes sense, your character is cordially invited to have attended an afternoon gathering for games and entertainment hosted by Lady Emmeline in honor of her cousin @Maj Gerard St. George, visiting from Galway, Ireland. When: 11am-4pm Saturday, 18 January 1811 Where: Drawing Room 2, Lansdowne House on Berkeley Square in London Things You Could Do: A few tables were set up for games, including Whist and Cribbage. Wagering did take place. Charades was enjoyed in one corner and we also have a fine piano and a harp, for anyone so inclined, set up in the opposite corner. Cheese, fruit, breads, jams, and pastries plates along with tea, port and a rare stash of Champagne made the rounds. Weather: The windows of the room overlook our gardens where we could see there's a light frost on the ground. It was quite cold out when you arrived and departed, but it didn't rain or snow directly before or during the event. Still, you likely did not venture outside. What you'd have heard from me about my cousin is that he's recently arrived in London, he's my father's sister's child and he's 28 (turning 29 in April). He was a major in the British Army and he's just starting to put himself out there socially after the death a couple of years ago of the woman he'd meant to marry. I'll leave it to the player(s) portraying him to describe him further and how he interacted at the party. Please RSVP in the comments to let me know if you were in attendance. If you were there, please share as much as possible: Your Name: Arrived: Arrived With: Activities: Interactions with Emmeline: Departed At: Departed With: We can collectively suss out anything memorable that happened during these few hours we spent together, primary topics of conversation, etc. Please don’t be shy about proposing ideas. Bring your personality! (Note: I’m almost positive none of this will impact the first newsletter.) Update: @Athena Peters says anything she catche wind of is fair game for newsletter...
Lady/Marquess Emmeline Petty-Fitzmaurice (Robin)
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