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Player Resources

All you need to support character creation and gazette submissions. 

RJ Character Creation-min.png
RJ Scanned Letters-min.png
RJ Event RSVPs-min.png
RJ Gazette Submissoins-min.png

All Gazette Submissions and new character submissions must be in by the 20th of the month to meet printing deadlines. Anything received after that will be considered for the following month printing. 

There is one Society Wide event per month whether that be a ball, horserace, festival, hunt, etc. The RSVP form will allow you to specify the event you are replying to and will be updated once an event has passed. This form is your way of letting us know what you would like us to tell society about your experience or give us fodder for creating news articles after the fact. 

All mail should be sent to PO Box H Arlington, MA 02476 

PR 1-min.png
PR 2-min.png
PR 3-min.png
RJ Footer Background-min.jpg

Send your letters. Find Friendship. Love. Enemies.
All is well. 

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