Hello I am incapable of chilling for even half a second and I'm back at it again with excessive record-keeping. Today I have brought to you a Google Drive map where we can pin the locations of various in-world locations mostly for the sake of figuring out loosely where we all are in relation to each other, and occasionally figuring out approximate transportation times. How To Use
If the location you want to pin is one that exists in real life, it's best to search for that location, click on it, and then add "add to map" - that way you don't end up with redundant location pins for that spot, and existing information (such as names and pictures) will be attached to your pin. From there, you can change the color and symbol of the pin, add a description, or alter the title as needed. If your pin is not a location that actually exists (for example, you moved the location of a home or completely fabricated it) you can click "add pin" and place it where you want, and edit it accordingly.
Make sure the color of your pin aligns to the category and layer it fits under -- pins can be dragged between different layers if you accidentally create it in the wrong one. For PC pins, you can use any symbol not already used by a different PC (first come first serve), and other than the blank diamond shape (which I am using for NPC places).
In the description of the pin, make sure you put your character's name or family's name so we know who made the pin/owns the property. You can add some additional information if you feel it's necessary, but try to keep it relatively short.
The map includes five "layers" that divide the different types of locations, visually distinguished by color:
NPC Places - red markers - places such as NPC residences and places of businesses; locations tied personally to a particular NPC or NPC group.
PC Businesses - green markers - places of business (strictly not residential) owned by a player character.
PC Residences - blue markers - homes and estates owned by player characters. these do not have to be a character's primary residence, just any livable estate or property they own.
Extraneous PC Places - yellow markers - other kinds of properties owned by player characters that wouldn't count as a residence or business, such as open tracts of land, ruins, historical sites (that are not used as a business/residence), etc.
Misc. Places of Note - black markers - places not owned by a player character or any particular NPC or NPC group - more public/general places such as the Newmarket racetrack.
Please do not edit other people's pins.