In world announcement from the Nov Gazette: The Royal Steward has announced that this year’s presentations to Queen Charlotte will take place beginning at ten of the morning on February 20th, 1812. All persons interested in either presenting themselves for the first time or a return to the Marriage Market are encouraged to attend to receive Her Majesty's favor. Members of families of debuts and suitors or members of the court and nobility are welcome to attend court that day to pay attendance upon the Queen’s observations.
OOC: You can use this thread to make any out of character arrangements for your characters attendance or participation in the presentation. Unlike the historical presentations, in our world, this event is not limited to only members of the female gender, all genders are encouraged to present. It also does not have to be for only a first marriage or for the nobility. Any eligible person might present themselves for consideration to the marriage market before the Queen. And of course, even if you are not interested in entering the marriage market yourself, it is certainly an important event to attend as a supporter or observer.
Need some inspiration from historical descriptions of what the presentations to Queen Charlotte consisted of? Check out this article And please feel free to ask any questions about how our more inclusive world might have changed these traditions here!
Here is a link to the form to give us details on this! There are also some folks coordinating on the Discord so feel free to hop in there!